A UBC NeurIPS Meetup: Biomedical Imaging & AI


Join the Biomedical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence Research Cluster on December 11th, 2019 as we explore current applications of AI in medicine. Join us for an afternoon of invited lectures from leading researchers and industry experts. Talks will be followed by an evening of discussion and a wine and cheese reception.

For further information, please contact Danielle Walker (daniellew@ece.ubc.ca)


Julia schnabel 

Professor of Computational Imaging, and Head of Research & Impact​, King's College London

Dr. Schnabel joined King's College London in 2015 as Chair in Computational Imaging, where she directs the Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging at King’s and Imperial College London. Her research interests lie in multimodal image fusion, motion modelling and machine/deep learning, linking image acquisition, reconstruction and analysis, for a wide range of clinical applications.

nenad tomašev

Senior Research Engineer, DeepMind

Dr. Tomašev holds a Ph.D. in machine learning from the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Jožef Stefan Institute. He primarily does machine learning research and engineering, with an emphasis on complex, high-dimensional and multi-modal domains. He moved to London in 2016 to join Google's DeepMind as a research engineer. 

thad hughes 

Software Engineer, Google Health

Thad is a software engineer and researcher on the radiology team at Google Health, which applies machine learning and computer vision to several medical imaging modalities. He recently relocated to Vancouver when his wife, Carolina Tropini, joined as faculty at UBC. Prior to his two years with Google Health, he worked on Google's speech team for ten years as a team leader, software engineer, and researcher, focusing on keyword spotting, acoustic modeling, signal processing, and noise robustness.


Time Speaker Location
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Thad Hughes, Google Health 

"Machine Learning in Medical Imaging : Progress So Far and Perspectives"

Rooms 2306/2309, AMS Student Nest
2:00pm - 3:00pm

Julia Schnabel, Professor, King's College London 

“Deep learning for intelligent medical imaging solutions”

Rooms 2306/2309, AMS Student Nest
3:00pm - 4:00pm Nenad Tomašev, DeepMind Rooms 2306/2309, AMS Student Nest
4:00pm - 7:00pm Wine & Cheese Reception  Bukhman Lounge, AMS Student Nest

First Nations land acknowledegement

We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm.

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